Kiwi and the Spife? Giveaway!

When I received and email talking about a Spife, I was definitely curious to find out what it was. I mean really, I've heard of a spork but never a spife. Turns out, the folks at Zespri love their Kiwi so much, they created a special tool to make it easy to take in your lunchbox and enjoy anytime.

The spife is a simple tool that consists of a spoon on one side and a serrated "knife" on the other. It's sharp enough to cut through the delicate skin of a kiwi, but won't harm small hands. I decided to put it to the test by having My Boys try it out. If they could manage it on their own, then not only is this a cool little tool but we have another great fruit I can send in their lunches during the upcoming school year!

First, cut the kiwi in half using the knife side of the Spife.

From Family, Friends and Food

See what a nice cut it makes? And these are 7 year old hands doing the work.

From Family, Friends and Food

Next, switch to the spoon side of the Spife and dig in to enjoy the sweet kiwi treat!

From Family, Friends and Food

Not only are they delicious to eat, they are full of fiber, Vitamin C, and Potassium they are also are low on the glycemic index. Can't beat all that goodness packed into such a small package. This little experiment was a success because My Oldest now ADORES kiwi and I have to keep them on hand so that he can enjoy them as a treat each day. Score!

Now, if you'd like to score yourself a handful of these cool tools, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post. This is only open to U.S. residents. One comment per person, please! Entries received by midnight on Tuesday, August 18th are eligible!

I will choose a random winner on Wednesday, August 19th. Doesn't everyone need another cute gadget for their drawer? This one really will be useful since it's purpose is to make eating Kiwi even easier!

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Maria saidā€¦
You can never have too many kitchen tools:)
Jamie saidā€¦
My picky eater daughter informed me last year she loves kiwi. She would think this is the coolest tool. And I love my kitchen gadgets!
ErinsFoodFiles saidā€¦
It does sound like a cool tool!
Therese saidā€¦
Awesome! This would make eating kiwis so much easier.
LaDue & Crew saidā€¦
Now this looks pretty cool! With kids wanting to help in the kitchen, its one chore you can give them without worry!
Joy saidā€¦
Hi Patsy!

My name is Joy and I just stumbled upon your site while searching for the CI "Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie" recipe and I'm glad I did- your site is wonderful! I started reading some of your other posts, and saw this one about the "spife." Now, I thought I had every kitchen gadget available, but this is definitely not in my collection! My first thought was "what in the world?" But it sounds really neat, and pretty handy too! Thanks for sharing, and I'll have to keep an eye out for one on my next trip to the kitchen supply store.

I also have a blog called "Hot Oven, Warm Heart," and I'd love for you to drop by, check it out, and say hello! Hope to hear from you soon :)

Kristen saidā€¦
They had these at the exhibition hall at BlogHer...very handy little gadget, especially for the tasty kiwi! I ate more kiwi on that trip than ever before :)
Anonymous saidā€¦
Spifes rock! By the way, a kiwi is a bird unique to New Zealand, and it is also what you call New Zealanders, ie New Zealanders are kiwis. The correct term for 'kiwi' is actually kiwifruit, except people are too lazy to say this. However it is understandable considering that there are no kiwi birds anywhere else in the world and that there are'nt many kiwi people outside of New Zealand. But all the same, the world should know that a kiwi isn't just a fruit, but a bird and nationality of people.
Emily saidā€¦
Wow, my little brother LOVES kiwi and would absolutely love it if I could find one for him!

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